Power School Parent FAQ

PowerSchool Parent Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who do I contact for PowerSchool access?

What is the web address for PowerSchool?

Can I change my password?

I have multiple children in the district.  Can I have access to all their accounts under just one username and password?

My husband/wife and I are separated/divorced, can we get another parent username and password for our child’s account?

Can other people see my child’s grades and information?

Where are the directions for PowerSchool parent access?

I am not getting emails from PowerSchool.  Why not?

I replied to the PowerSchool auto-email with a question, but have not received a response. Why?

When I click on the teacher’s name to email the teacher, my email program doesn't work correctly or does not open.

I can't login to the parent or student portal.  I put in my username and password and click submit.  After clicking submit, the page reloads to a blank username and password line and does not login.  Help?

Whom should I call if I have a question?

Do students and parents see the same screens/comments?

Q. Who do I contact for PowerSchool access?

A. Your account was setup automatically at the start of the school year. Letters were sent home to parent/guardians with username and password information.  If you no longer have that information, please visit or call the main office at your child's school to pick up your username and password.

Q. What is the web address for PowerSchool?

A. The Somerset Hills School District's PowerSchool portal's address is: http://shsd.powerschool.com .

Q. Can I change my password?

A. At this time, PowerSchool does not allow for the ability to change your password.  Please record it and keep it somewhere safe and private so you have it when you need it (wallet, purse, day planner).

Q. I have multiple children in the district.  Can I have access to all their accounts under just one username and password?

A. Yes.  Account must be configured for each student using the unique access code for each.

Q. My husband/wife and I are separated/divorced, can we get another parent username and password for our child’s account?

A. Yes. Powerschool accounts can be created for each parent.

Q. Can other people see my child’s grades and information?

A. As long as you protect your password, others will not be able to see your child’s information. Each child/parent is issued a unique identification log in and password.

Q. Where are the directions for PowerSchool parent access??

A. You can download a tutorial that you can print in pdf format. Please see the "files" section on the PowerSchool Parent section of our website.
(Note: You will need AdobeReader to view this file.)

Q. I am not getting emails from PowerSchool.  How come?

A. There could be multiple reasons for this:

  • 1. Did you sign-up for Email Notifications on the Email Notifications page? Please double check the email address you entered because if one character (letter/number/space) is off, you won’t receive emails.

  • 2. Does your email program have a spam blocker that could be blocking the messages? If so, you will want to add the email address [email protected] to the list of “allowed” email addresses so PowerSchool emails can get through.

  • 3. Did you check your email's BULK or SPAM folder? Check to see if the messages are going there and choose to mark them as NOT SPAM. You will have to consult your email's help menu or manual to learn how to do this as it is different for every email program.

Q. I replied to the PowerSchool auto-email with a question, but have not received a response. Why?

A. The PowerSchool auto-generated email is created and sent by the PowerSchool server, not by an individual. The server will not reply to your email sent to that address. If you have questions about your child's progress, please direct those questions directly to the faculty member.

Q. When I click on the teacher’s name to email the teacher, my email program doesn’t work correctly or does not open.

A. Unfortunately, this is not a problem we can help you with since everyone’s email programs are different. Your email program needs to be setup correctly on your computer. You may want to view the HELP area or menu for your email program or contact your Internet Service Provider for further assistance.

Q. I can't login to the parent or student portal. I put in my username and password and click submit. After clicking submit, the page reloads to a blank username and password line and does not login. Help?

A. PowerSchool uses "cookies" and this means your internet security is set too high, probably to the highest level of security, which blocks cookies. Depending on your browser, you will need to find the Internet Security area and turn it down a level or two so cookies are accepted. You can find out more information about this by going to your web browser's help menu and doing a search on "cookies" or "internet security."

Q. Whom should I call if I have a question?

A. Please use the table below to decide whom to contact for various types of questions.

Question Topic Person to Contact
Grades for class assignments during the current semester Your student’s teachers. Teachers’ email contact info is available on the PowerSchool website at the main student screen.
Attendance in a specific class on a specific day or general attendance questions Bernards High School Office: 908-204-1930
Bernardsville Middle School Office: 908-204-1916
Bedwell Elementary School Office: 908-204-1920
Course schedules, graduation progress, and college and careers Bernards High School Office: 908-204-1930
Bernardsville Middle School Office: 908-204-1916

Q. Do students and parents see the same screens/comments?

A. When students and parents access the PowerSchool server, they see the same information with one exception; parents have the ability to enter their email address and to request automatic progress reports via email.

Last Updated: 10/22/20
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