Mr. King's Earth Science Web Pages

Earth System Science is the scientific study of how the principle components of the Earth (air, water, land, and life) interact to shape the planet Earth. These four components are referred to as systems and the four Earth Systems are the Atmosphere (gases surrounding Earth) , the Hydrosphere (liquid and solid water on Earth), the Geosphere (solid Earth from surface to core), and the Biosphere (all living organisms on Earth).

These four systems—Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere, Hydrosphere—have continually interacted with one another throughout the Earth's 4.6 billion year history to shape the planet we see today. These same systems will continue to interact long into the future to alter the face of our planet.
About my teaching experience: I am a geologist—my interest in the Earth and the processes which shape it began in the second grade when my cousins and I started to collect minerals, rocks and fossils. This interest in the Earth continued to grow throughout high school. I majored in Geology at the University of Dayton and, then, continued my study of geology in graduate schools at the University of Kentucky and Miami University. My first teaching experience occurred while a PhD student at Miami University where I taught a course in the geologic history of the Earth.
I have been teaching science in the Somerset Hills School District since 2001:
• 2008 - Present: Bernardsville Middle School
Courses Taught: Earth Systems and Earth Systems, Honors (grade 8)
• 2001 - 2008: Bernards High School
Courses Taught: Earth Science; Earth Science A; Earth Systems,
Honors (grade 9) and Physical Science (grades 11-12)
Before arriving in Bernardsville, I spent 13 years as a geology professor at Ball State University (Muncie, IN) and Lake Superior State University (Sault Ste. Marie, MI) where I taught many different courses in geology, oceanography, and meteorology. Perhaps my most unusual (and rewarding) teaching experiences during this period of my life were: a geology lab course in a maximum security prison and a field-based geology course during many summers in Yellowstone National Park.