English IV(A) Course Overview
In this course, students will continue developing a working knowledge of all facets of the English language, as well as experiencing practical applications of their language arts skills in a classroom setting. Primary focus will be placed on enhancing their speaking, listening, writing, and reading abilities. The course will also reinforce students’ abilities to review and experience numerous literary genres using Reader's Workshop, an individually selected approach to reading. Students will learn to respond clearly and succinctly to their reading using both the spoken and written word. The course will also teach students to prepare all the necessary documents related to obtaining a job or applying to college, as well as exposing them to advantageous interviewing techniques. Students will also be required to complete all components of the “Senior Project,” a graduation requirement. One component of the “Senior Project” will be to write a formal autobiography; a second, to complete and submit a “Portfolio” of business/ college-related documents.