STUDY SKILLS (from Program of Studies)
Grades: 9-12 Credits: 5.0 Year
Prerequisite: CST Recommendation
This course is designed to meet the needs of special education students requiring instruction and support with regard to general study skills. This course is intended to provide review and reinforcement in content area coursework, instruction in study methods and strategies, promotion of independent organizational and time management skills, and academic self-advocacy. A small group setting allows for individualized instruction in order to meet the individualized learning goals of the students.
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome back to a new school year!
Study Skills is a five-credit course held in the resource center. The purpose of this class is to allow the classified student extra time and assistance with the work assigned by his/her subject teachers. While doing so, it is also our goal to assist the student with the self-advocacy, time management and organizational skills necessary for academic success. It is the student’s responsibility to bring assignments to the study skills class each day. The resource teacher will assist in the understanding of assignments and will modify work if necessary. In addition to completing homework and preparing for tests and projects, the students will be expected to maintain organized materials and to log completed assignments daily.
The grade for this course will be determined by the:
ü effort and motivation that the student puts forth academically each period.
ü organizational skills of the student (an up-to-date assignment notebook, an organized backpack, correct supplies and materials, daily log).
ü reports of progress in the subject classes.
We are in contact with the content teachers when necessary to monitor your child’s academic progress and classroom behavior. We also ask for recommendations from the content teachers that could be implemented within the study skills class. Please also take advantage of Powerschool to help monitor your student's academic achievement.
Please review and discuss this letter with your child. We feel that teacher/student/parent communication is important for overall success in the education of our students. Email is the most efficient way to communicate.