Technology in River Valley Civilizations
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Technology in River Valley Civilizations

The growth of early river valley civilizations such as Mesopotamia, (modern-day Iran),  Ancient Egypt, and the Indus River valley (modern-day India), was dependent on advancements in technology such as the plow, bronze weapons, the wheel, and the sail. The plow allowed for early farmers to turn the soil in greater quantities, and therefore yield greater amounts of crops for food as well as create better irrigation systems.   The wheel was use not only to advance transportation, but also as a potters wheel for ancient artisans to make pottery for jugs to carry water and plates to eat on.  Bronze weapons, were first used in Sumer in 3000 BCE, were much stronger than previously used copper and stone weapons, giving the Sumerians a great advantage in war over their enemies.  The sail allowed for faster movement of  boats which aided in trade between the civilizations on the Mediterranean sea.  During ancient times these advancements were spread throughout the river valleys as a result of war, migration of people and trade. The spread and development of technology was critical to the survival and development of these early civilizations because it allowed for growth of the population in each civilization, in addition to ensuring the survival of future generations.

Some technological advances have made our lives in the modern world easier, but may not be critical to our survival.  What technology is critical to our civilization's growth and why?  How are new technologies spread in modern times?  What technology do you feel you couldn't live without?   
Posted by Mr. Calabrese at 1:40 PM
Posted by rickey.saez  On Jun 26, 2015 at 11:10 PM 369 Comments
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